The Skivvies are the real thing. There’s talent, musical sense, and a swinging, smiling band of rogues that give a high adrenaline show. This is a band that honestly loves alt-country and roots music, and mixes it with a tuneful punk sensibility. And perhaps most surprising of all, they have a guitar case full of heartfelt and catchy original tunes.

The band was the brainchild of Stewart Burrows and his partner, Terry Simpson. Formed in Montreal in the summer of 2006, The Skivvies recorded their first album of Stewart’s original music the following year. The band’s sound came together as a hard, swinging, foot-thumping edge welded to the bluegrass, celtic and alt-country influenced songs.

The album was critically acclaimed and is beginning to garner some radio play. Tracks from the album have won awards in several international competitions, and the band has gone on to tour venues and festivals across eastern Canada and Europe.


More fun that a boot full of whiskey, these rakish rogues have thrilled audiences across the world, and they’re ready to rattle the walls and pound the floors of a pub, party or venue near you! They keep their motto close to their heart, and well hidden beneath their kilts: “Good Hard Folk is just what you need!”

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